I’m still not sure how I feel about it.
I mean, Robert Downey Jr. is great in anything and actors can play multiple roles, of course. It just seems… off.
But, hey, what do I know? I was among those baffled when Chris “Human Torch” Evans was cast as Captain America, and look how that turned out.
Anyway, the proof will be on screen and that’s gonna be awhile — so how about 13 CLASSIC DOCTOR DOOM COVERS whilst we ponder:

Jack Kirby pencils, Joe Sinnott inks

Larry Lieber pencils, Vince Colletta inks

Kirby pencils, Dick Ayers inks

Al Milgrom pencils, Mike Machlan inks

Kirby and Ayers

Mike Zeck pencils, Terry Austin inks

John Byrne pencils, Austin inks

Kirby and Sinnott

Paul Ryan pencils, Tom Palmer inks

Kirby pencils, George Roussos inks

Kirby pencils, Chic Stone and Wally Wood inks (on DD)

Byrne and Austin, from a Jim Salicrup layout

John Romita Jr. pencils, Bob Layton inks
— The MARVEL MOVIES: What to Watch — and What to Skip. Click here.
— ALEX ROSS Ranks the TOP 13 JACK KIRBY FANTASTIC FOUR Covers. Click here.
July 29, 2024
…no love for Emperor Doom graphic novel cover….?
July 29, 2024
I’m convinced we still won’t see the FF as it should be done on the big screen. I can’t tell you the last Disney or MCU movie I’ve seen. This casting only works if Doom’s face is never seen. RDJ and MCU are all about whipping their masks off as soon as they enter a scene. Pass.
July 29, 2024
It bugs me that the MCU is introducing Doom in an Avengers title and not under the Fantastic Four banner. IMHO any update of Doom’s origin needs to include rivalry and misplaced blame toward Reed Richards as part of his make-up and motivation. Simply making Doom is an alternate-reality Tony Stark who uses armor for evil would be lame (again IMHO).
July 29, 2024
I fear the chance to see stories that fans from our generation would recognize and want to see have passed. Any successful FF movie would give us a great origin story with a Mole Man battle. I could see a fun Impossible Man after-credit scene. The next movie could be a full on battle with Doom and end with a Galactus review for III. No Avengers. No RDJ connection.
July 29, 2024
I consider myself VERY OPEN-MINDED when it comes to casting of the big DC and Marvel movies.
The fact that I get more turned off by the RDJ casting news the more I think about it tells me what my heart wants, and it is NOT what Disney’s Feige Cinematic Universe is concocting.
I feel like a mark at this point and am fine moving my attention back to DC’s film projects.
Marvel’s output has been so artless since Endgame wrapped.
July 29, 2024
Larry Lieber is no one’s favorite artist, but I rather like this cover.
July 30, 2024
After Kirby, Byrne is my Doom artist.
August 2, 2024
JrJR + Layton cover never gets old.