Just for fun…
OK, so today is National Gorilla Suit Day. Did you know that? It’s true.
So, how to celebrate? Well, wear a gorilla suit, silly! Just like Hawkeye and Trapper:
But if you don’t have a gorilla suit, here’s the next best thing — 13 DC gorilla covers from the Silver Age.
Now, gorillas and comics have been the four-color equivalent of Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups — two great tastes that taste great together — since the dawn of the medium. But the Silver Age was the Golden Age of gorilla covers — particularly DC covers — so here we are.
There are a ton to choose from — click here for a fun retrospective of the “Gorilla Age” — but these are particularly, memorably wacky.
Oh, and do any of these feature actual gorilla suits? No, but a number of them have gorillas (or apes) in suits — as in, mod suits, space suits, Super-suits… you catch my drift.

Carmine Infantino pencils, George Roussos inks

Joe Kubert

Infantino pencils, Joe Giella inks

Mike Sekowsky pencils, Giella inks

Curt Swan pencils, Stan Kaye inks

Infantino pencils, Mike Esposito inks

Swan and Kaye

Ross Andru pencils, Esposito inks

Infantino and Giella

Swan and Klein

Murphy Anderson

Infantino pencils, Anderson inks

Swan and Klein
Cover images and credits from the bananas Grand Comics Database.
June 16, 2020
There’s absolutely no monkeying around here. 😉