Eat. Watch football. Nap. Repeat.

OK, so it’s not really 13 COVERS. It’s 10 COVERS and three funky pix from the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade!

Everett E. Hibbard

Richard Howell pencils, Joe Sinnott inks

Tim Sale

John Romita

Curt Swan pencils, Stan Kaye inks

Charles M. Schulz (or a ghost)

Ralph Heimdahl

Joe Jusko

Carlos Pacheco pencils, Jesus Merino inks

Stan Goldberg pencils, Bob Smith inks
13 Great ELECTRIC FOOTBALL Teams — RANKED. Click here.
Cover images and credits from the stuffed Grand Comics Database.
November 28, 2019
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
November 29, 2019
Thanks for the Turkey Day covers! 🙂 My fave is JSA 54, which I prop up at my desk every November. The following issue has a great (and probably my favorite) Christmas story and cover.