Either way that coin comes up, it’s 2/2…
It’s Feb. 2 — Two-Face’s favorite day to commit mayhem. See, because it’s the second day of the second month. Plus, it’s Tuesday, the second day of the workweek.
(And I’m sure there’s a Groundhog Day gag in there somewhere too.)

Detective Comics #66, 1942: Two-Face’s first appearance. Bob Kane pencils. Inks by Jerry Robinson. Background inks by George Roussos.
Anyhoo, ol’ Harvey Dent is one of the all-time great baddies and I’ve never given him a 13 COVERS spotlight, so here you go.
And what happens next year on 2/2/22? 22 COVERS? Mayhap!
Dig it.

Neal Adams

Bob Kane pencils, Charles Paris inks

Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez

Alex Ross

Win Mortimer

Mark Chiarello

Jim Aparo



Dick Sprang

Matt Wagner


— The TOP 13 JOKER COVERS EVER — RANKED. Click here.
— 13 COVERS: BATMAN & CATWOMAN — Then and Now. Click here.
February 2, 2021
I like those Neal Adams and Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez Two-Face covers the most.
February 2, 2021
Can’t wait for next year’s installment: 2/2/22!
February 2, 2021
Two-Face has always been my favorite Batman’s villain!
February 3, 2021
TOO many choices TO decide which is the best one or TWO. The one cover that makes my left eye widen the Detective 187. Suddenly Two-Face’s left damaged side is inverted to the right side of his body like a coin was flipped. All great choices from the 26th or 6.5th Dimension (depending if you divide or multiply by 2)
February 3, 2021
A fine endorsement from the $2 Cyclist!
February 3, 2021
Two-Face is one of those characters who seemed to bring out the best in artists. Just like Batman, it’s just a cool visual that transcends time and story genres. It can be goofy fun or horribly gruesome.
A great set of covers!
February 10, 2021
I have both BATMAN #313 & 314 with the WHITMAN Logo.
My back issue hunting was going to Woolworths for the Whitman/DC 3 Pack of comics.