Things get a little weird.
It’s BATMAN/SUPERMAN WEEK! Why? Because there’s a movie coming out that a lot of people are already complaining about!
But we still love the Caped Crusader and the Metropolis Marvel! Check out the complete BATMAN/SUPERMAN WEEK Index here!
Things started to kind of get odd in the Bronze Age. There aren’t too many memorable stories other than the Super-Sons and by the mid-’80s the whole Batman-Superman team-up concept was kinda played out. It makes sense that DC put the book on the spike when Crisis on Infinite Earths rolled around. But, hey, some big-time artists still did some covers …
(My standard caveat: This is a subjective list and not a ranking of any kind. This is pretty much what I dig and you may feel very differently. So, rather than beef about a cover you don’t see, instead join in the fun and share your own choices in the comments section or in whatever social-media thread you saw this.)

Nick Cardy

Neal Adams



Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez and Dick Giordano

Neal Adams

Jim Aparo

Ross Andru and Dick Giordano

Rich Buckler and Frank Giacoia


George Perez

Frank Miller and Dick Giordano

Denys Cowan and Dick Giordano
Check out the complete BATMAN/SUPERMAN WEEK Index here!
Cover images and credits from the continuity-defying Grand Comics Database.