We all need a little romance — weird or otherwise — right?

Hey, check out that name at the top!
Here at 13th Dimension we love our Weird Love from Yoe Comics/IDW. So if we’re gonna do 13 COVERS for Valentine’s Day, who better to invite to our virtual boudoir of bad taste than the book’s editors?
Plus, look out for their new Haunted Horror/Weird Love mash-up miniseries — Haunted Love #1 — out 2/24! — Dan
Happy V-D from the editors of Weird Love!
Here are our 13 Favorite Romance Comics Covers (including some shameless plugolas because if you publish romance comics you have no shame).
1. Maybe the most romantic romance cover ever was this one on the very FIRST romance comic book, Romantic Picture Novelettes #1. After this, the covers of romance comic books went down hill (down stream?) and became much more (wonderfully) sordid.
2. This sailor boy pictured on First Love Illustrated #16 has a sinking feeling on Valentine’s Day.
3. The cover we used on Weird Love #2 was taken from one of the most salacious covers ever on a comic book. We think the lady knows darn well what the dude’s expecting in return for his Valentine’s trinket. The cad!
4. No one drew more stunningly beautiful women in romance comics than artist Matt Baker. Here on Teen-Age Romances #9, Baker pictures a teen-age little cheat who will do anything to hold Dick.
5. On Weird Love #4 we used a Matt Baker cover of a Trailer Trash Girl. Cupid must have shot this dude full of arrows—he’s quite the knight in shining trailer!
6. Do we know a word that could possibly begin to describe this bizarre Young Love #104 cover? We got nun.
7. Weird Love, reprinting the strangest, wackiest of the ’50s, ’60s and ’70s romance comic-book stories has been a cult hit. Our Haunted Horror comic reprinting terrifying and amazing pre-Code horror has a zombie-army of fans. So out momentarily is the demon child of Weird Love and Haunted Horror: Haunted Love. This first issue of a three-issue Haunted Love mini-series Frankensteined by Steve Banes and us digs up a gruesome Bernard Baily cover.
8. Here’s another Bernard Baily cover, Daring Love #1, that has a somewhat more attractive woman about to have what we’re sure is an innocent roll in the hay with her boyfriend.
9. Got the babysitter on hand as per Tender Romance #1, so you can go out for a nice Valentine’s dinner? Good luck with that! Something besides hubby’s romance is going to be tender after wifey gets through with him. Or maybe all three will happily decide to celebrate the occasion together at home — hey, happy endings happen in romance comics!
10. Hi-School Romance #13. Ah, do you remember your high-school days when you looked like you were in your thirties, smoked, drank, the boys wore suits and ties, the girls wore low-cut gowns (green was popular with both sexes), and you went to nightclubs with your dates and watched hussy strippers? We don’t either. (We have the pre-censored original art to this cover where the blonde is smoking a cig and the brunette has much more telling detail on her red scanties. We’ll be showing that art in all its luridness in a future Yoe Book—it’s much too sensitive for 13th Dimension readers. (Oh, it is not! You teases! — Dan)
11. Cinderella Love #29 is another beautifully drawn cover by Matt Baker—just because!
12. Summer Love #48’s cover begs the question: “Does this guy have a vagina on his chest?”
13. Having a fling with your crush on Valentine’s? Let this cover of Young Romance #157 be a stern lesson: Plan on un-inviting mom!

Nick Cardy!
And because there’s no such thing as too much Weird Love …
Here’s the cover for our first hardback collection — Weird Love: You Know You Want It. You can’t go wrong with Ogden Whitney’s “Love of a Lunatic” cover. Or maybe we DID go wrong—that’s the point of Weird Love, after all!
And we can only say one thing about the cover of our newest hardback, Weird Love: That’s the Way I like It — and that’s “Uh-huh, uh-huh!”