The Silver Age artist would have been 98…
Sheldon Moldoff — who was born April 14, 1920 — gets a bad rap among Batman fans.
He was the primary Bob Kane ghost artist during the Caped Crusader’s lowest ebb — that period from the mid ’50s to the early ’60s when Batman was as likely to fight fuchsia aliens as he was the Joker. And Robin seemed to cry a lot.
But, hey, it was what it was and all I can say is that when I was a kid, I got a lot of enjoyment from scrounging those back issues together and reading them. (And so, evidently, did Grant Morrison.)
In years past — click here and here — I’ve highlighted some of Moldoff’s wackier covers. This time, I’m narrowing the focus somewhat and spotlighting many of his enduring contributions to Batman’s history.
So here are 13 COVERS celebrating the underappreciated Sheldon Moldoff, who died in 2012:

Charles Paris inks

Paris inks
Cover images and credits from the valuable Grand Comics Database.
April 14, 2018
You look at these stories and say “How the hell did this book survive into the Silver Age?”
April 15, 2018
Classic camp all the way!!
When you’re confronted with this many covers from that delightfully naive era, the divide between the baby-boomers’ Batman and everything post-Dark Night Returns seems like an ocean.
Great selections!
April 15, 2018
Wasn’t this around the time of Wertham’s book and the scrutiny on comic book content? It’s amazing how Batman managed to find a way to continue with all of that going on, other titles folded.
April 15, 2018
After Wertham. But a lot of this stuff was in reaction to him, yes…
April 17, 2018
I like the selection of Batman covers. I had no idea that Catman was around during the Silver Age.