13 COVERS: A MAC RABOY Birthday Celebration

Captain Marvel Jr. and pals call on you to fight fascism!


During World War II, comic book publishers helped the war effort by having a number of their artists do patriotic covers. Manuel “Mac” Raboy, who was at the time drawing Captain Marvel Jr., may well have been the greatest of these illustrators to do so. Raboy’s covers during the Allies’ war against the Axis certainly approached the magnitude of painter N.C. Wyeth’s 1942 “Buy War Bonds” government poster art.

Enjoy these 13 inspirational covers by Raboy, who was born  109 years ago on April 9, 1914. (April 9 is the date per Roger Hill’s 2019 biography, Mac Raboy: Master of the Comics, TwoMorrows Publishing, but other sources have it as April 17.)

Bob Rogers, backgrounds


— 13 COVERS: A MAC RABOY Birthday Celebration — 2022 EDITION. Click here.

— A Tribute to CAPTAIN MARVEL JR.’s MAC RABOY, by ROY THOMAS. Click here.

PETER BOSCH’s first book, American TV Comic Books: 1940s-1980s – From the Small Screen to the Printed Pagehas just been published by TwoMorrows. He has written articles and conducted celebrity interviews for various magazines and newspapers. Peter lives in Hollywood.

Author: Dan Greenfield

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