Happy birthday, Craig!
I’ve been reading comics for about 45 years but only started writing about them in the last several. Since 13th Dimension launched in 2013, one of the absolute nicest, coolest and rock-solidest people I’ve gotten to know is Craig Yoe, who turns 66 today.
Now, I know that Craig — I’m sorry, that’s Eisner-winner Craig — has been in this historian racket for a long time but I’ve decided to celebrate with 13 COVERS from his Yoe Books and Yoe Comics imprints at IDW, which dovetail roughly with the time I’ve known him. Makes it more personal-like, y’know?
So here goes, leading off the with the one that landed Craig and his lovely bride Clizia Gussoni that coveted award:

Walt Kelly

Likely Leon Winik and Ray Osrin

Bernard Baily


Marty Elkin


Dick Briefer

Iger Shop

Likely Ernesto R. Garcia

L.B. Cole

Don Heck

John Rosenberger
Cover images and credits from the lurid Grand Comics Database.
February 23, 2017
Yes, happy birthday! In the 1980s Craig was living in the Chicago area and was kind enough to invite me to a party at his home for comic book artists. I blogged about the experience over at http://hayfamzone.blogspot.com/2007/05/artist-party-1983.html
February 24, 2017
Happy Birthday to Yoe. But no picks of either the 3D book or the Dreams oriented title ?