Comics’ master of the macabre has died at the age of 68.
The news broke overnight that Bernie Wrightson, one of the most influential and important artists of the Bronze Age (and, naturally, later), had died after a lengthy illness.
In comics, there are greats and there are greats. Wrightson was most certainly in the latter category. He’s one of those artists that fans — and perhaps more importantly — fellow illustrators speak of with a certain reverence.
Here are 13 COVERS that highlight just some of his work in horror comics, a genre he helped redefine. For 13 COVERS celebrating his superhero work — including Swamp Thing, perhaps his greatest contribution to the form — click here.
And as always, if there’s a cover you don’t see here that you’d like to see highlighted, just note it in the comments below or post it in whichever social-media thread you find this.
For BERNIE WRIGHTSON: An Appreciation, by artist KELLEY JONES, click here.

Not horror, but I wanted to show fantasy work too.
For 13 COVERS: A Bernie Wrightson Superhero Comics Celebration, click here.
For BERNIE WRIGHTSON: An Appreciation, by artist KELLEY JONES, click here.
Cover images and credits from the Grand Comics Database.
March 21, 2017
I absolutely love how Bernie drew the illusion of wind as in the last cover. Awesome stuff!
“This turf is dead”… Haha, is that how they really talked back then?