The Daughter of Drakulon celebrates five decades…
Hey, guess what: It’s Vampirella’s birthday!
Yep, 50. The Daughter of Draculon — created by Forrest J. Ackerman and Trina Robbins — first appeared in Warren’s Vampirella #1, in a story illustrated by Tom Sutton.
The issue, with its famous Frank Frazetta cover, is dated September 1969, but it came out in July of that year — July 17, according to some accounts.
So, Dynamite, which now owns Vampi’s rights, this week is publishing not just the first issue of a new ongoing series, but also a note-for-note replica of that first black-and-white magazine. (Wednesday = July 17!)
Given all that, the time is obviously ripe for a 13 COVERS salute — spotlighting the vamping vampire’s original run.
Far out.
Frank Frazetta
Enrich Torres
Jose Gonzalez
Barbara Leigh, photographed by Hank Londoner
Ken Kelly
Manuel Sanjulian
Bob Larkin
Cover images and credits from the dangerous Grand Comics Database.