SAYONARA… But Only for a Little While

Heading to the Land of the Rising Sun…


Well folks, I’m off to Japan — a trip I’ve dreamt about since I was about 12 years old, when I happened upon Sunday night Japanese baseball games, usually the Yomiuri Giants, that ran on an obscure station I found on cable.

Since then, I’ve become fascinated with various aspects of Japanese culture, not the least of which is the Batman manga of Jiro Kuwata.

What this means in practical terms, though, is that I’ll be effectively putting 13th Dimension on pause for about two and a half weeks. The site will be active, of course, but there won’t be any fresh posts, unless something truly major happens.

I’ve never done this before. Since we launched the site in September 2013, I’ve taken days off, sure, and we’ve had brief respites. But usually during vacations, I stockpile material for when I’m gone so you readers wouldn’t notice. Given the nature and length of this trip, however, it’s really not feasible. (The 13-hour time difference is also very much a factor.)

But when it comes down to it, I really want to soak up everything I can while in the Land of the Rising Sun. I want to detach from all my routines and live in the moment. Be zen, if you will. This is a dream come true, and I don’t want to be distracted for a moment, as much as I love running this website.

That said, the world of comics and pop culture will very much be a part of the trip. There will be forays to Nakano Broadway and Mandarake, as well as a visit with Yuji Ueda, aka Tokyo Toy Guy, owner of Tokyo Toy Cafe and one of the world’s foremost Batman collectors. (I’ll also be pretending I’m young Bruce Wayne, learning the ways of the warrior, when we take the samurai and ninja classes in Kyoto. I can’t wait for the throwing-stars part.)

Plus, let’s not forget all the Godzilla, Ultraman, and Gatchaman; I’m even reading the Ian Fleming James Bond novel You Only Live Twice on the plane. Oh, and yes, we have tickets to see the Yomiuri Giants.

We’ll begin posting again on Wednesday, Sept. 4, with a new RETRO HOT PICKS and Michael Eury’s 13 MARVEL FACSIMILE EDITIONS WE’D LIKE TO SEE. In other words, things will be back to normal.

Meanwhile, go read your favorite comics, enjoy the waning days of summer and your own vacation, if you’re having one. Kiss your partner, hug the kids and pet the cats. We’ll be back soon with tales to share.

But, for now…


Author: Dan Greenfield

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  1. Have a safe journey and a very pleasant time in the land of the rising sun, Dan.

    We’ll await your return.

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  2. Have a great trip, Dan. You deserve the break.

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  3. Have an awesome trip Dan! We will miss you while you are gone!

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  4. Have a great trip Dan,we’ll be waiting patiently for your return

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  5. Have an ace trip Dan, you’ll love it!

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  6. Okay, who approved this time off? Guess that means the crazies are in charge! Just kidding, Dan. Have a relaxing and safe trip. GOD bless. We have plenty of existing topics to banter over until your return.

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    • Have a great vacation! I always wanted to go to Japan. Take lots of pictures to post when you get back .

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  7. Have a wonderful trip Master Dan. We’ll be waiting with the limousine at the airport upon your return.

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  8. Sounds amazing and well deserved! I’ll miss the posts, but look forward to your return 🙂

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  9. Sounds like an amazing trip! Enjoy to the fullest, we’ll be waiting to read all about it

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  10. Have an awesome time, it’s a trip I dream of undertaking myself. We’ll be waiting for you when you get back.

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  11. Have an awesome trip! I hope to go there myself one day!

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  12. Dan, enjoy every second you are there!

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  13. Enjoy your vacation, Dan. Well deserved!

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  14. Enjoy your vacation! Well deserved! Glad to see that your 12 year old self got his wish fulfilled!

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  15. Enjoy your time!!

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  16. Thanks, everyone! It was an incredible trip — more on that soon. Meantime, it’s great to be back in the saddle!

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