An EXCLUSIVE EXCERPT from the upcoming RetroFan #26…
Hey, we’re running a bit behind on the World’s Greatest Super Friends Podcast but that doesn’t mean we don’t have some groovy material for you to dig, thanks to the upcoming RetroFan #26 from TwoMorrows.
The issue includes its usual eclectic collection of features, from a Mr. T history to a look inside TV’s British Avengers.
Dig the table of contents:
The highlight for me, though, is the first installment of Andy Mangels’ multipart Super Friends series, which includes all sorts of behind-the-scenes secrets, accompanied by a collection of art — from character designs to screen shots.
So for this EXCLUSIVE EXCERPT, we bring you a fairly small selection of that art — as well as a reminder to check out The World’s Greatest Super Friends Podcast, hosted by John S. Drew, with me riding shotgun.
Dig it.

Rejected concept for the Hall of Justice
RetroFan #26 is due in comics shops and at magazine sellers Wednesday, April 12. You can order it now, however, directly from publisher TwoMorrows. Click here.
— The World’s Greatest Super Friends Podcast. Click here.
— 13 Lovable SUPER FRIENDS Covers. Click here.
April 8, 2023
It’s funny how the original Wonder Woman design mirrored her appearing in the animated Brady Kids cartoon.
April 10, 2024
I always wonder when the WW design was changed in the process from golden age to modern, did the tv show match the comic or the opposite.
April 8, 2023
That “Super Friends” art is MAJORLY groovy.
April 8, 2023
My wife worked for private security in Columbus Ohio several years before we got together at what they call there “The Hall of Justice”! No kidding!!!!!!!!She has told me how small kids would come in with their parents and ask where Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman and others were. She told them that, rather than disappoint them, the Heros were either out fighting the Super Villains, or in private meetings in their rooms at the very top of the building. Believe it or not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
April 8, 2023
That’s wonderful that your wife gave that little bit of magic to kids as they visited.