Hi, Comic Peeps!
Welcome back to the regular show! I hope everyone is enjoying the first few weeks of 2017. Before I get started on my picks for this week I want to send out a big congratulations to everyone who participated in Love is Love. Thank you to all of you and a special thank you to everyone who bought the book and all the comic shops that stocked it.
This book hit No. 1 on The New York Times list, which is fantastic. I also want to point out that four books on this list are by Raina Telgemeier and that this isn’t anything different than the usual. I can’t imagine what that must feel like for her. It’s just mind-blowing.
OK, now on to the picks!
First up, I have to choose David Bowie: Color the Starman Coloring Book (Feral House). I think everyone knows that I love David Bowie. If you don’t, then I am telling you now, I love David Bowie. I miss him every day. However, now I get to color him. He was always so colorful and I get to put my spin on it now. Today, tomorrow and every day, he will always be my Starman.
Next, DC and Boom! got together and put out Justice League/Power Rangers #1 by Tom Taylor and Stephen Byrne. While I wasn’t really the right age to love the Power Rangers, I still watched them and understand the appeal. However, this book made me want to watch more.
Finally, Image, Donny Cates, and Geoff Shaw bring us God Country #1. I have been waiting for this book to hit the shelves for months! I was lucky enough to read a digital advance copy and knew it was terrific. This book — in which our hero battles big monsters in Texas with a gigantic sword — is going to be sought after for years so if your store still has one, pick it up. It’s sold out at Diamond so make sure to get your copy! But even if you can’t get a first print, it doesn’t matter. Get a second print. Just get one because you have to read it.
Lightning Round includes Marvel’s Star Wars: Poe Dameron #12 by Charles Soule and Phil Noto, which is one of my favorite books out right now. Image’s Spread #18 by Justin Jordan and Felipe Sobreiro continues to be an outstanding read. And the Batman Vol. 1 trade, I Am Gotham (DC), by Tom King and David Finch, brings together the first story arc for this crazy good Batman story.
These are just a few of the amazing books out this week. Make sure to get into your local comic shop and pick up a few weekly books, add a few books to your pull list, get a trade, tell them you love them.
Let’s make 2017 the year of comics and comic shops!
Until next week, Toodle Pip!