HOT PICKS! On Sale This Week!

Man, it’s great when everyone has (almost) completely different picks. Vive la difference!

Scott Tipton, Co-Owner, Blastoff Comics, North Hollywood, Calif.

Astro City #23, DC Comics. Kurt Busiek‘s deconstruction of the Silver Age never fails to deliver, and this month we see him tackle that particular favorite Silver Age DC quirk of mine, DC‘s obsession with gorillas.



Star Trek: New Visions – Resistance, IDW Publishing. John Byrne‘s photo-novels make for great Classic Trek stories issue after issue. The craftsmanship here is just extraordinary.


Saga #28, Image Comics. I realize picking Saga these days must sound like a broken record, but this book is just unprecedented in its appeal and reach to audiences of all ages and categories. Just fantastic.

Aimee LoSecco, JHU Comic Books, Manhattan

It’s hardcore lady-types week in comics! Ms. Marvel! Saga! Silk! Night Nurse! Hold on, here we go!

Thor #8, Marvel. And here I thought they gave us a half reveal last issue. Maybe they did…? So what happens? All the things happen. AND a reveal! They promise a reveal, so let’s have it already! Bonus for the collected edition holdouts — the first hardcover is out today too! Winner, winner, chicken dinner!


Nimona, Harper Teen. Noelle Stevenson of Lumberjanes fame *swoon!* brings her webcomic to print in her first graphic novel! Out to prove that the good guys ain’t so good, ne’er-do-wells Lord Blackheart and his sidekick Nimona take on the Institution of Law Enforcement and Heroics single-handedly. And the scuffles they get into may be a bit much than they anticipated… Call it Legend of Lumberjanes, if you will. I call it awesome!

Space Riders #2, Black Mask. Who missed Issue #1, raise their hands… OK so no problem, because the second printing is out along with Issue #2. Revel in the awesomeness of Dona Barbara: part Gamora, a twist of Leela, a soupcon of Dejah Thoris, all her own ass-kicking woman! Oh yeah, and a Space God shows up just for fun. It’s Flash Gordon on super-soldier serum!


Tim Finn, Hub Comics, Somerville, Mass.

Injection #1, Image Comics. Whoo! Ellis, Shalvey and Bellaire made magic on just six issues of Moon Knight, and the idea that this could happen again for longer than six issues is, both as a reader and a seller, super exciting.


Trash Market, D&Q. Tadao Tsuge‘s 1960s avant-garde, character-driven stories set in post-World War II Japan.

Nimona, Harper Teen. Noelle “Lumberjanes” Stevenson’s full-color webcomic, collected!


Ted Alexander, manager, Midtown Comics’ Downtown location, Manhattan

Howard the Duck #3, Marvel. One of my favorite titles to come out so far in 2015. It’s a lot of fun and totally not serious, so you don’t have to have read a lot of different earlier issues to understand what’s going on. The preview says it features a guest who has been a dead Marvel character — who could it be?? Whoever it is, Chip Zdarsky will knock it out of the park.

Author: Dan Greenfield

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