HOLIDAY HOT PICKS #17: DC’s Board Books

A selection from one of our HOT PICKS crew — Tim Finn of Hub Comics in Somerville, Mass.

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What’s a board book? That’s a chunky book with very-few-but-very-thick pages for 2-year-olds who don’t have the motor skills to turn paper pages. 2-year olds who would destroy fragile, paper pages. There is a real gap out there for cool parents who want to read comics to their youngest kids — all-ages graphic novels from Toon Books start at age 5, and there’re familiar BOOM!/Marvel/DC/IDW all-ages titles like Gumball and TMNT New Animated Adventures. But now you can read My First Wonder Woman Book, Super-Hero ABCs, and more to your 2- and 3-year olds! Get your kids (or nieces and nephews) started early! (These are technically not comics, they’re children’s books, but they are very close to comics. And there’s a lot of Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez style-guide art used well.) From Downtown Books.


Author: 13th Dimension

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