A Birthday Salute to CURT SWAN

For over three decades Curt Swan drew DC‘s flagship title Superman, along with Action Comics, Lois Lane, World’s Finest, Superboy in Adventure Comics, and other titles. He’s been called “the Norman Rockwell of comics.” As a kid growing up in the ’60s, his was the Superman and Superboy I will always consider the definitive version. Here’s 13 covers to celebrate Curt Swan’s birthday…

Swan was born 95 years ago, on 2/17/20. He died in 1996.








cb superman 170


























Author: 13th Dimension

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  1. another thing about Swan’s superman is its hard to immediately determine his age, which i think is a good thing. i agree its the definitive look of all the ones there’s been

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  2. Curt Swan’s Superman was the kind of grown-up I wanted to grow up into — decent, caring, strong against bad things, unwilling to give up even when in pain. His art crystallized every character he ever drew into what seemed like their perfect appearance. Of course Supergirl looks like that! Of course Perry White looks that way! I always thought it a shame when DC had Kurt Schaffenberger draw Lois or Lana faces into Swan’s panels for some of the “prestige” stories.(as in July 1963’s Superman #162 “Superman Red/Superman Blue” story.)

    Thanks for a great appreciation of this wonderful artist! Eddy Zeno’s fine Swan biography is still available at Amazon and other sellers.

    I encourage your readers to also visit my Super Blog. — http://markssuperblog.blogspot.com/

    Thanks, Mark

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