EXCLUSIVE: Rare GEORGE PEREZ 1980s DC POSTCARDS to Be Reprinted as Variant Covers

Oh, wow…

You know what’s hard to find? George Perez’s 1984 DC Comics postcard set. I saw one a few years back at a comic convention, passed it by, went back 10 minutes later to get it and — poof! — it was gone.

If you see one on eBay, it also disappears quickly, for about $100-$125. And keep in mind, that original set doesn’t even include Batman. To get one of those, you have to pay a premium. (There’s a signed one for sale right now for 100 batarangs.)

Well, here’s some fantastic news, then: DC in June will be reprinting nine of these classic illustrations as variant covers, including Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, the Flash, Green Lantern, Green Arrow, Black Canary, Aquaman and Zatanna. There’s also a special 10th cover — the Justice League of America, taken from 1986’s Official Justice League of America Index #1, published by ICG.

Dig these — along with the issues they’ll be attached to, in alphabetical order:











Many thoughts:

This signed, CGC-graded set is up for sale on eBay for about $1,600.

— Boy, seeing this is like taking big, deep, breath of pure oxygen, isn’t it? Between these, DC Finest, the Super Powers variants, the treasuries, and the broad range of Facsimile Editions in general, DC has unlocked the key to keep both younger and longtime readers happy. It’s great to be a fan right now.

— These will be solicited later this week, with prices and sale dates.

— The card set originally included the nine above, plus the Atom, Elongated Man, Firestorm, Hawkman and Hawkwoman, Martian Manhunter and Red Tornado. The Justice League was represented by four of the Detroit characters — Steel, Gypsy, Vibe and Vixen. (I’m not 100 percent sure the Detroit squad was in the original set but, like Batman, is considered part of it.)

— As I understand it, Batman was produced separately because he was in the Outsiders at the time. If you have better into, add it in the comments.

— I’m sure you’re already asking yourself: “Will DC reprint the rest?” and “Will DC reprint the postcards themselves?” The answer is… who knows? But you know how the world works: If these sell — and they most definitely will — anything can happen.


— EXCLUSIVE — SILVER AGE CLASSICS Lead DC’s SIX Facsimile Editions in MAY. Click here.


Author: Dan Greenfield

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  1. The Detroit era were indeed part of the set (I have the set.) and the Batman one even mentions him leaving for the outsiders. I picked that one up years later for $5.00 and it’s got George’s signature!

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  2. I got the Pérez Batman postcard in exchange for a newspaper clipping, an envelope, and a postage stamp!

    When I was in college, DC ran a survey to see if comic book stores were placing advertising in college newspapers. My college newspaper did indeed have an advertisement from the local comic shop. I clipped it out and mailed it to DC. A few weeks later, I received the Batman postcard drawn by George Pérez!

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  3. I have a bunch of the Batman postcards.

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    • Hi Bob, Any chance that you’d be willing to sell one of your Batman postcards?

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  4. I remember the cards came out before the actual Detroit transition so I wanted them just for that alone! Pre-internet/wizard days

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  5. Nice to find that Black Canary is in a book called “Birds Of Prey.” That was one of my favorite DC story titles, from the 70s (again, I think!) “Secret Origins.” “The Canary Is A Bird Of Prey.” (I’m riffing on that Secret Origins run a lot in comments today!) Thanks for the nostalgia trip!

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