EXCLUSIVE Preview: Kane and Goulart’s STAR HAWKS VOL. 1

A cult classic is back in print.

Star Hawks, Gil Kane and Ron Goulart’s highly regarded daily comic strip from the late ’70s, is finally back in print 4/26, thanks to the Library of American Comics and IDW.

The newspaper comic was atypical in that each strip was double-tiered, at least initially, and LOAC is taking advantage of the format: Each strip in Volume 1 will get its own page so readers can dig that Kane art in oversized glory. The 320-page, 9.25″ x 6.5″ hardcover lists for $49.99.



Author: Dan Greenfield

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  1. INSIDE LOOK: Kane & Goulart’s STAR HAWKS VOL. 2 | 13th Dimension, Comics, Creators, Culture - […] Hawks, Gil Kane and Ron Goulart’s fan-fave daily comic strip from the late ’70s, back in April (click here).…
  2. STAR HAWKS: The Comic-Strip Brilliance of GIL KANE | 13th Dimension, Comics, Creators, Culture - […] — EXCLUSIVE Preview: Kane and Goulart’s STAR HAWKS VOL. 1. Click here. […]

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