Dig This Gallery of Glorious BATMAN Golden Age Covers — MEZCO Style

A fabulous, photographic tour de force by CHRIS FRANKLIN…


We truly are living in a Golden Age of superhero collectibles, and one of the best premium series out there is the One:12 Collective line by Mezco Toyz. The range features 6-inch, clothed figures that include classic IPs — from DC and Marvel to Dick Tracy, Conan, Popeye and many more.

All are executed with an incredible level of detail, bountiful accessories, and well-tailored costuming. Personally, I find none more impressive, and more importantly, fun than their Golden Age Batman series of figures. Beginning with a two-pack (of course!) of Batman vs. Two-Face, the line recently expanded with the release of Robin and the Joker.

The creatives at Mezco have managed to synthesize the best elements of the Golden Age artists who worked on the Batman strips from the ’40s through the early ’60s. The works of Bob Kane, Jerry Robinson, Sheldon Moldoff, Jack Burnley, Fred Ray, Win Mortimer, Charles Paris, Jim Mooney and their peers seem to have influenced the design of these figures. But Batman and Joker in particular are heavily based on the work of Bat-master Dick Sprang, my personal favorite of the classic early Batman artists.

The figures have seemingly sprung from the comics pages and covers and converted to 3-D form. So, I just had to see what it would look like if they “acted out” the covers that partially inspired their creation. I think it’s obvious I had a lot of fun doing this, and Dan Greenfield was nice enough to provide me a place to share them here at 13th Dimension.

Here’s hoping the line continues with Catwoman, the Penguin and the Riddler, so I can create a sequel!

Based on the cover of Batman #11 (Jun/Jul 1942) by Fred Ray and Jerry Robinson

Based on the cover of Batman #8 (Dec/Jan 1941) by Fred Ray and Jerry Robinson

Based on the cover of Detective Comics #118 (Dec 1946) by Dick Sprang

Based on the cover of Batman #68 (Dec/Jan 1951) by Winslow Mortimer

Based on the cover of Batman #44 (Dec/Jan 1947) by Jim Mooney and Charles Paris

Based on the opening animated credits of the Batman television series (1966-68)


— The TOP 13 Most Iconic BATMAN AND ROBIN Images — RANKED. Click here.

— ROBIN’s 85-Year History Through 13 CLASSIC COLLECTIBLES. Click here.

13th Dimension contributor Chris Franklin is a graphic designer, illustrator, writer, and podcaster, who co-hosts and produces several shows on the Fire and Water Podcast Network, including JLUCast. Check out his illustrative and design work at chrisfranklincreative.com.

Author: Dan Greenfield

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  1. Forget Super Powers varients. DC needs to do these. Awesome

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  2. Magnificent stuff, Chris!! Really nice work.

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