DC Cancels Orders for NEIL GAIMAN’s SANDMAN #8 Facsimile Edition

Smart move, DC…

DC Comics has cancelled orders for the upcoming Sandman #8 Facsimile Edition written by Neil Gaiman, in the wake of the horrendous allegations against the disgraced author.

The issue was originally scheduled for Feb. 26 but is now listed as “cancelled” on Lunar Distribution’s website, along with the foil and sketch variant covers.

“The Sandman #8 Facsimile Edition will be resolicited at a later date,” reads a newsletter sent to retailers and distributors. “Existing orders are cancelled.”

That’s typical boilerplate language, so whether the FE will actually return is open to speculation — which I will not do.

I’m sure you’ve heard about the scandal, but if you haven’t read the New York Magazine expose, I highly suggest you do. It’s horrifying, important reading.

Author: Dan Greenfield

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  1. So, do we burn the books now? I’m torn between getting rid of his novels, or putting them away after I’ve thought more on this. I feel horrified for his accusers, and sad for his collaborators for their loss of income.

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    • I never condone burning books. It’s fascist. That said, if I had them in my collection, I’d put them into the recycling so at least it’d help the planet. For me, this is a case where I cannot separate the art from the artist. It’s too, too much. And he’s barely defending himself, which speaks so loudly.

      I also feel bad for his artistic collaborators who will take a hit because of his monstrous behavior.

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  2. Like many, I’m crushed by the revelation about Gaiman. His work had such a strong impact upon my life – especially my teens and early twenties. I can’t just dismiss that and claim, “he was never good,” because it’s not true. He’s a phenomenal writer.

    But he is a bigger monster than anything he ever put to paper. Personally, I’m going to cherish the memories of the work he provided. But I won’t buy or support anything else of his moving forward. And at this point in time, I have no intention of revisiting his work that is so beloved.

    Instead, I’ll been discovering new authors and new creators. I’ll support them, and organizations that combat and expose predators like Gaiman.

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  3. Perhaps DC could have given Gaiman’s portion of royalties to a sexual assault awareness group or a local women’s shelter. I understand there are contractual obligations with the royalty payments, but perhaps that is something that legal at DC could have contacted Gaiman about. Just a thought.

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  4. I had forgotten about this. No doubt a prelude to letting the trades go out of print.

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  5. As someone who has worked in both the legal and newspaper media fields, I am concerned about the whole “trial in the media/press” aspect where everyone is guilty until proven innocent. We rush to judgment without having all the facts, having only one side of the story.

    Horrendous crimes are committed every day, and my heart goes out to the victims of those crimes. But think about this: Would any of us want to be accused of something heinous and have everyone rush to judgment as to our guilt or innocence? I wouldn’t. And I don’t believe anyone else here would either. Especially if we’re innocent.

    The ones who are truly hurt by stories like this are the ones who worked with the accused and find themselves without a revenue stream they once had. Because they’re also victims if the allegations against Gaiman are proven to be correct.

    Just my opinion, folks. That and $5.00 might get you a cup of coffee somewhere.

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    • I’d drink that cup of coffee with you. We jump way too fast and far without asking questions first.

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  6. This isn’t the first time DC has cancelled a previously solicited Facsimile Edition.

    DC was scheduled to release Facsimile Editions of Green Lantern #76 and Man-Bat #1 in May 2020, but they were cancelled due to the pandemic. Neither title was ever resolicited.

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