CHRIS SAMNEE’s Smiling BATMAN Cover: More Proof That We Need a Modern DYNAMIC DUO Series

Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson are waiting for you, Messrs. Waid and Samnee…

Been a bit since I’ve banged the drum about this but Chris Samnee’s newly released variant cover for July’s Batman #150 is yet another example of why we need a Batman and Robin “early days” comic — Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson — told with a modern sensibility.

Not that we haven’t had stories like that. We have — but they’ve tended to veer toward Bruce Wayne’s emotional inaccessibility and borderline abusive personality. No, thanks.

What I’m looking for is a book that spins out of Mark Waid and Dan Mora’s loads-of-fun-yet-also-moving Batman/Superman: World’s Finest series, much like last year’s six-issue Teen Titans mini. And first pick for artist would be Samnee, given his and Waid’s track record on titles like Daredevil, Captain America and Black Widow. (Not to mention Samnee’s annual #Batober illustrations.)

Samnee’s World’s Finest: Teen Titans #1 cover

If anyone can balance the somber with the swashbuckling, it’s these guys. Because I’m not necessarily looking for a Batman who smiles — just one who is capable of smiling.

Waid and Samnee are the ones to bring that magic.


— 13 Magnificent BATMAN Sketches by CHRIS SAMNEE. Click here.

— The TOP 13 Most Iconic BATMAN AND ROBIN Images — RANKED. Click here.

Author: Dan Greenfield

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  1. Agreed. I remember fondly the criminally short Englehart, Rogers, Austin Dark Detective run where Batman was just as grim and dedicated to his war against crime but could have moments of levity with Robin (Dick Grayson) as true partners against crime would. But then later came Frank Miller and the Dark Knight Returns and…well..

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    • Even in DKR, Batman treated Carrie/Robin with compassion and respect (“Good soldier…good soldier…”). It was really post DKR (and a dollop of pre-Miller Marv Wolfman) where Bruce became a jerk.

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