1990’s CAPTAIN AMERICA Movie: There’s No Shielding This Disaster
REEL RETRO CINEMA: With Captain America: Brave New World out, dig this INSIDE LOOK at a forgotten flick and its comics adaptation… By ROB KELLY The time: Sometime in the summer of 1989. The place: The Westmont theater in (appropriately) Westmont, NJ. It was during one of my nine(!) trips to see Batman that I saw it hanging in the lobby: I had heard rumors through the comic book grapevine that a live-action Captain America movie was in production, but here was red, white, and blue proof that not only did the film exist, but that it was coming to theaters, soon. Of course, that never happened. While it did hit screens overseas, director Albert Pyun’s Captain America never did so in Steve Rogers’ place of birth (literally, metaphorically, and ironically). More rumors about the movie swirled around in fan circles, but with Batman Returns already coming down the pike, it seemed that, once again, Marvel just could not manage to get one of their characters onto the big screen. Eventually Captain America hit home video and even though the advance word was bad, I eagerly took the film home to check it out for myself. Captain America was, and is, my favorite Marvel superhero and while he’d appeared in live action a few times before (to… mixed results, let’s say), my enthusiasm for the film was still high. Then I saw it. As anyone who has watched it knows, Captain America is not good. Really not good. It’s cheap, sloppy and, most fatally, poorly written. After we are treated to an origin story for the Red Skull (who, for some reason, is Italian, not German), we follow the scientist whose Super Soldier formula turned a young Italian boy into the villainous Skull to America, where her guilt has driven her to change sides in the war. Now working for the US Government, she transforms skinny kid Steve Rogers into Captain America. The good Captain is dropped into his first mission—to stop the Red Skull—which he fails at, miserably. The Skull then straps Cap onto a rocket aimed at the White House, but Cap decides to wait until he’s just a few thousand feet away from its target to try and redirect the bomb’s trajectory. He does, and the missile lands in Alaska(!), burying Cap in the ice for...
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