BATBOOK OF THE WEEK: Batman and Robin #40

Fly, Robin, fly!


It was too good to last.

The most consistently entertaining Batman book of the last year ends its run this week, with Batman and Robin wrapping it up at #40.

I’m sad to see it go. This book really found its footing, interestingly enough, after Robin “died” two years ago. Batman‘s quest to retrieve his son’s stolen body was emotional, thrilling and surprising — and Robin‘s return has been a kick.


Will the Boy Wonder‘s newfound powers remain after #40? Dunno. They’re obviously not going to be around forever.

And neither is the creative team. Writer Peter Tomasi is moving on while penciller Patrick Gleason assumes writing duties — with Mick Gray on moody inks — on the book’s spiritual descendent, Robin: Son of Batman, which debuts in June.


I’m always a little leery when artists become writers when the creator in question isn’t known as such. Sometimes it works, sometimes it’s a disaster.

I have no way of knowing in this case but I remain ever hopeful. All I can say is that it’ll be hard to match the drama and, dare I say, loveliness, of this book.

ALSO ON THE BATSHELVES THIS WEEK: Lotsa Batstuff! Batman ’66 #21 — featuring the print debut of Lord Death Man in the ’66 universe; the hardcover of Batman ’66 Meets the Green Hornet; Arkham Manor #6, the enjoyable book’s finale; Batman Eternal #51, which is heading toward its conclusion; and Catwoman #40, which makes this list on the strength of its movie-poster variant riffing on Steve McQueen’s Bullitt. I’m not sure Gotham by Midnight #5 is really a Batbook, but I’m including it here anyway because I dig it.

Oh, and wanna read more about Batman ’66 #21? Check out our interview with writer Jeff Parker, from when the book debuted digitally a few weeks back.


Author: Dan Greenfield

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