Roy Thomas’ classic mag will hail the King in a special 2021 issue — with a never-printed Kirby cover…
TwoMorrows has long published the Jack Kirby Collector but now Roy Thomas’ Alter Ego is getting its own chance to salute the King cover to cover — in June 2021’s Issue #170.
Dig the official description from TwoMorrows:
Alter Ego #170
July 2021 – 84 pages (FULL COLOR)
In AE #170, it finally happens! Jack Kirby showcased cover-to-cover in an issue of Alter Ego—behind a never-before-printed Kirby cover! Will Murray on Kirby’s crucial contributions to the creation of Iron Man; FCA on his Captain Marvel/Mr. Scarlet work at early-’40s Fawcett; special Kirby sections by Michael T. Gilbert & Peter Normanton; Kirby in 1960s fanzines; Stan Lee’s colorful quotes about “The King”; Roy Thomas on being a Kirby fan (and occasional foil) from 1946 till today; plus other klassic Kirby sightings!
A few thoughts:
— This is certain to catch the eyes of longtime Kirby buffs, especially considering Thomas’ own complicated relationship with the King.
— Groovy cover. Fun to see it published for the first time.
— Alter Ego #170 is scheduled to be published June 16, 2021, but that’s subject to change, given the vagaries of the comics industry right now amid the pandemic. It will be available at comics shops and through magazine sellers but you can pre-order it right now, directly from TwoMorrows. Click here.
— MIKE KALUTA Recalls the Moment He ‘Got’ JACK KIRBY. Click here.
— The TOP 13 Issues of JACK KIRBY’s 1970s Return to MARVEL — RANKED. Click here.
November 17, 2020
LOVE that cover image! Jack never gets old, his Art always thrills me every single time I look at it! It is timeless!
November 17, 2020
The late Mr. Kirby was a true legend.