NEWLY ANNOUNCED! Scott Dunbier’s new company is making a splash at San Diego Comic-Con…
Eisner winner Scott Dunbier on Friday announced the initial titles coming from his new publishing house Act 4 — and damn if it isn’t an impressive line-up.
Details are scarce but there will be volumes — Artist’s Editions and otherwise — featuring Dave Stevens, Jason Pearson’s Body Bags, Darwyn Cooke’s The Spirit, Wally Wood, and Walt Simonson’s Ragnarok. It’s a combination of new books and expanded reprints, and some carry a new descriptor: The Connoiseur Edition. Plus, Simonson will be doing a new Ragnarok miniseries.
Can’t wait to see this play out but the big one, the one that grabbed me by the throat, is Jim Aparo’s DC Classics Artist’s Edition.
What I love about this is not just the obvious: a glorious book spotlighting Jim Aparo’s original art. It’s that Dunbier has a DC Comics license in his pocket. (Cooke’s Spirit was also a DC project, though I believe that license is from the Eisner estate. Correct me if I’m wrong, Scott.) Will Marvel follow suit? We shall see.
In the meantime, there are still two Dunbier-curated projects coming from IDW, which he left earlier this year: David Mazzucchelli’s Batman: Year One Artist’s Edition, due in August, and the Neal Adams DC Classics Artist’s Edition, which has been moved to January 2025.
Back to Aparo, however. This is terrific news and immediately my mind goes to what I’d like to see in it. For one thing, I’d want to see the cover for Limited Collectors’ Edition #C-37 — which is telegraphed right up top. That’s Aparo’s greatest work, in my not so humble opinion.
So what else? I could list a million stories, but let’s focus on Aparo’s DC covers for the purpose of this exercise. Here are 13 COVERS WE’D LOVE TO SEE IN JIM APARO’S DC CLASSICS ARTIST’S EDITION.
I have no idea what’s available, and these are obviously the published versions, but you get the gist:
— NEAL ADAMS STORE’s Exclusive, Limited Edition ARTIST’S EDITION Volumes Now Up for Pre-Order. Click here.
— Dig This SNEAK PEEK at the BATMAN: YEAR ONE Artist’s Edition. Click here.
July 27, 2024
I can agree wholeheartedly with most of these covers. I’ll definitely buy this when it comes out. Jim was one of my favorite BATMAN artist of the ‘70s.
…so, the Neal Adams’ was delayed? Argh.
July 27, 2024
From what I hear, the wait will be worth it. It’s not a bad thing at all.
February 24, 2025
Looks like Amazon has started to offer with a fall release date.
….still waiting on Adams’ edition however. Amazon is saying July now… I’d feel better if direct purchases at the much higher price would get released or at least would get an update from the publisher.
July 27, 2024
The Phantom Stranger #33 would definitely make my list. And Aparo’s first two Spectre covers (Adventure #431 & #432) would top it. Then there’s Detective #437…
July 27, 2024
Detective 437 almost made it but I wanted more variety. I could have done 13 Batman alone…
July 27, 2024
Wow ! This is great news
July 27, 2024
I will always love Aparo’s art! It (especially in B & B) was a big part of my growing-up years devouring comics. And I will always love Robin’s tux in Batman Family #11’s cover!
July 28, 2024
They don’t remove their masks even for their wedding?
July 30, 2024
That Aquaman cover is STILL devastating.
September 9, 2024
Duuuude! The JIM APARO ARTIST’S EDTION by IDW will be a dream come true. But…the C37 issue, B&B 124 and 114, Weird Adventure 437 and Phantom Stranger 43 and Aquaman 62, PS 33, Batman and The Outsiders 17 (that cover was turned into a painting by a DC editor) and, of course, the Death in the Family, covers are the only ones you picked that were spot-on. You left out a LOT of far more classic covers: B&B 111, B&B 115, B&B 119 and B&B 118, 123! Adventure Comics 431, 432, 436, 437 and 440! The incredible run for Detective Comics 441, 442, 443, 444 and 446! The aquaman covers for Adventure Comics 441, 444 and 445! And, last but not least, The Phantom Stranger 20, 21 (a classic), 22, 24, 34, 35, 36, 37, 39 and 41 (another classic)!
September 9, 2024
That’s a lot more than 13!
December 29, 2024
Aparos work in B&B and Aquaman enthralled me. I never missed an issue and still have them in a long box in my study. Glad to see him finally get the recognition ( albeit posthumously) he deserves. I remember being in a comics shop years ago and some fanboy was critical of Jim’s work. I challenged the lad to name anyone else who did their own layouts, pencils, inks and lettering at the pace of a page a day!
February 17, 2025
Serious bummer: while I am STILL gonna buy a copy of the Jim Aparo Artist’s edition, I’m seriously bummed out that Dunbier is gonna include the complete issue of “Weird Adventure Comics” # 434 if he can find the missing pages to scan (if not, then perhaps most of the issue). But that issue was penciled by Frank Thorne, with only the inks done by Aparo. When I pointed out the lack oa Aparo pencils to Dunbier on his FB site — indeed, when another guy on the Jim Aparo Artist pointed out the same thing, Dunbier replied by recounting how important the “Wrath of the Spectre” series was to him as a teen, and then used the hackneyed “you can’t please everyone excuse to (pun intended) ink over the fact that he is happily ignoring well-drawn, actual Aparo art in order to include a story that was a childhood favourite ( after all, Jim Aparo provided ALL the art for seven issues of the initial run of that series in 1975). When I pointed that out, Dunbier said he felt the entire series important in the legacy of Jim Aparo (pretty sure he’s conflating the writer’s contribution with that of the artist, and consciously doing so). While it doesn’t quite “ put the lie” to the title “Artist’s Edition”, it does make the use of it a bit “dodgy” as they in this part of the world. After all, Dunbier even admitted he has a couple of “Phantom Stranger” stories scanned, but still prefers to keep the Frank Thorne penciled issue in the collection (what’s worse is that DC is even reprinting the omnibus version of “the Wrath of the Spectre” this year, so it’s not as if Dunbier’s favourite series will be unavailable).