Feel the Byrne…
Esad Ribic’s main cover
Marvel’s Fantastic Four returns this week after a lengthy hiatus. Dan Slott, Sara Pichelli and co. are staffing the flying bathtub this time around, but of course something this monumental deserves a look back at great runs of the past.
Hence, a fantastic foursome of 13 COVERS salutes — spotlighting Jack Kirby, John Buscema, John Byrne and Walter Simonson — rolling out between now and Wednesday.
For Kirby, click here. For Buscema, click here. Now, we’re up to Byrne.
Terry Austin inks
Austin inks. From a Jim Salicrup design.
Austin inks
NEXT: Walter Simonson.
Scans and credits courtesy of the fantastic Grand Comics Database.
August 7, 2018
John Byrne is truly a legend.
August 10, 2018
Some of the best covers EVER.