He doesn’t need two names when one will do …
Steranko will be a guest at buddy Cliff Galbraith’s Monsters and Robots show 8/27-28 in Central Jersey.
To prepare yourself for the awesome — click here for tickets — check out these 13 COVERS.
And to switch it up a bit, I’ve included a raft of newer variants from one of comics’ greatest artistes.

Kirby pencils/Steranko inks
Most scans courtesy of the retro-cool Grand Comics Database.
August 20, 2016
Sweet! I still have my Steranko History of Comics vol. 1 and 2 that my dad bought me back in 1971. Read those over and over and over!!!
September 10, 2016
I still have my Steranko History of Comics vol. 1 and 2.