13 ALL-STAR COMICS COVERS Just to Make You Feel Good

Justice Society of America represent!

Hey, DC’s All-Star Comics #3 Facsimile Edition is out Tuesday! Gotta tell ya, I’m dang surprised that it took this long. But now it’s here. Whee!

So how about 13 ALL-STAR COMICS COVERS JUST TO MAKE YOU FEEL GOOD? (And a lot of these are of the underrated variety too!)


Creig Flessel (The Sandman); Harry Lampert (The Flash); Jon Blummer (Ultra-Man); Bernard Baily (The Spectre)

Howard Purcell

Jack Burnley

Joe Gallagher

Art Peddy pencils, Bernard Sachs inks



Peddy pencils, Bob Oksner inks

Irwin Hasen

Hasen and Oksner

Frank Harry

Martin Naydel

E.E. Hibbard


— 13 Great ALL-STAR COMICS COVERS That Never Were. Click here.

— Dig These Fabulous ALL-STAR SQUADRON COVERS That Never Were. Click here.

Author: Dan Greenfield

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  1. I got the Famous First Edition back in 1975.

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    • So did I! A wonderful day when I got it home and read it! Still have it in a crate somewhere!

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  2. You’re right. This did make me feel good. These Golden Age covers are a lot of fun. Thanks for posting.

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