HOT PICKS! On Sale This Week

Boy oh, boy. Bitch Planet, Ditko’s Shorts, Afterlife With Archie are big with the HOT PICKS pickers! But there’s MORE! Check it:

Scott Tipton, Co-Owner, Blastoff Comics, North Hollywood, Calif.

Harley Quinn Holiday Special, DC Comics. The rise of Harley Quinn as an A-list DC player continues, with another seasonal special from the regular creative team, this time with the assistance of Darwyn Cooke!

Two-Face and Mr. Freeze animated-style action figures, DC Collectibles. These new action figures by DC Collectibles combine the sleek Timm/Murakami character designs with excellent sculpts and articulation. Best thing DC Collectibles has put out in years.

John Buscema, Silver Surfer Artist’s Edition, IDW Publishing. Beautiful Buscema pages at full size? Yes, please.

Little Nemo: Return to Slumberland #3, IDW Publishing. This issue is Gabriel Rodriguez‘s masterpiece. The artwork is stunning.


Christy Blanch, Alter Ego Comics, Muncie, Ind.

Squarriors #1, Devil’s Due. We are so excited for this book. One of our employees loved the idea of it SO much that he pre-sold more than 20 copies to our customers. The story alone would sell me, but have you seen the art? It’s fabulous!! Can’t wait to get my hands on this book!

Afterlife with Archie #7, Archie Comics. This book is amazing. I can’t even believe how much I love this book. Not to mention our customers. And I am so curious to see who won’t make it out alive … well, our version of alive anyway.


Thor #3, Marvel. So, Mr. Aaron unkindly kept us waiting to see how the new wielder of Mjolnir will do when she doesn’t have her weapon. Even the other Thor doesn’t like being separated from it and he had it for a long time. But what about her powers? This is a really neat story arc. And while on the subject of Thor, can I say how excited I am to see his book of Star Wars!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!! And the Princess Leia book by that Waid guy!!

Aimee LoSecco, JHU Comic Books, Manhattan

Afterlife With Archie #7, Archie Comics. A new story arc starts here!  If you haven’t read this book yet, grab the trade and get on board!

Bitch Planet #1, Image Comics. Kelly Sue DeConnick‘s newest foray is an interplanetary-chicks-in-prison tale. Brains and boobs, just how I likes ’em!


Ditko’s Shorts, Yoe Books/IDW. A hefty smattering of one-, two-, and three-page stories by everyone’s favorite master recluse. Genres run the gamut of sci-if, horror, western, noir… You name it, it’s in there! Only $24.99 for this collection of Ditko rarities! (NOTE from Dan: We’re running A DITKO A DAY from the book all this week!)

Tim Finn, Hub Comics, Somerville, Mass.

Ditko’s Shorts, Yoe Books/IDW. Horror, fantasy, science fiction, Western, and humor one-, two- and three-pagers restored and edited by Craig Yoe, who packages great books.

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Bitch Planet #1, Image Comics. Surely this is mentioned elsewhere here in Hot Picks, so I’ll just type “Kelly Sue DeConnick” and “women-in-prison sci-fi exploitation.”

Menachem Luchins, owner, Escape Pod Comics, Huntington, L.I. 

Sigh, yet another amazing week of comics! Afterlife with Archie and Shutter both return with the start of their second storylines, Taschen gives us a glorious collection of EVERY Little Nemo comic ever, Yoe Books and IDW give us a collection of Ditko’s shorter work, Charles Vess’ ethereally charming Cats of Tanglewood Forest comes out in softcover and, of course, Bitch Planet launches.

Whew! But here are the books you HAVE to get:

Hit Vol. 1: 1955, Boom Studios! Bryce Carlson writes some damn fine noir in this series but Vanesa Del Rey is the star here: She takes a wonderfully intense story and infuses it with so much atmosphere that you can almost smell the bourbon and stale cigarette smoke rising off the page. For fans of Brubaker and old-school Bendis, this series will feel like the second coming of a noir messiah. If you missed the miniseries in single issues, you must get this.

Bad Machinery Vol. 3: The Case of The Simple Soul, Oni Press. I will say it again and I will say until I’m blue in the face or dead in the ground — John Allison is one of our greatest living cartoonists, bar none. Bad Machinery follows a group of teen mystery solvers and, there, simple description goes out the window: Poignant, inane, hilarious while still being very REAL, the world of Tackleford (whether it be in Scary-Go-Round, Bad Machinery or Bobbins) is a place you should all visit. I promise that you’ll want to stay.

Midas Flesh Vol. 1, Boom Studios! If you think my praise of Bad Machinery was over the top, I suggest you just stop reading right now. Midas Flesh was, hands down, the best miniseries of the year. And this was a year with dozens of wonderful minis, so that’s saying something. Ryan North (of Dinosaur Comics fame) gets back together with the art team of Lamb and Paroline (who started Boom’s Adventure Time comic with him) and gives us something just stunningly OTHER. “What if the legend of King Midas was true?” is the nucleus of the story, but it’s so much more than that. A wild space romp wittily written and sharply drawn that quickly starts asking big questions about personal vs. communal responsibilities, friendship and justice. Really do yourself a favor and get this one.


Dimitrios Fragiskatos, manager, Midtown Comics’ Grand Central location, Manhattan

The Valiant, Valiant Comics. I am very excited for The Valiant, a mini-series about an ultimate menace intent on returning civilization to the Dark Ages. Standing between that and its goal are Bloodshot, Eternal Warrior and other Valiant heroes across the universe. Although the story may sound a bit cliche, I am counting on the writing talents of Matt Kindt and Jeff Lemire, and art from the infallible Paolo Rivera to deliver quality entertainment. I’ve already seen in the preview an amazing design for a monster whose face opens up sideways.

Ted Alexander, manager, Midtown Comics’ Downtown location, Manhattan

Bitch Planet, Image. It’s been quite a while since I have heard so much buzz about an upcoming book. At the shop here, I get asked at least once a day when this title is coming out. Well, I finally have an answer for them! This title, written by Kelly Sue DeConnick and drawn by Valentine De Landro, brings you the story about an everyday housewife thrown into a planet full of imprisoned women. Looks interesting enough to be the book that will be on top of your read pile.

75 Years of Marvel: Golden Age to Silver Screen, Taschen. I picked up the amazing and beautiful 75 Years Of DC Comics that Taschen put out a few years ago and at that time I wished that they would do one for Marvel. They must have heard my wish! A history/love letter written to Marvel will look great on your coffee table. Inside you’ll learn things you may not have known and also get treated to different looks at things you may have known already.

Afterlife with Archie #7, Archie Comics. Long awaited but well worth it, the next story arc, Thanksgiving, begins here.

Author: 13th Dimension

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