HOLIDAY HOT PICKS #14: A Couple of Super-Hunks from Hasbro

If you dug Guardians of the Galaxy and Captain America: The Winter Soldier as much as we did, here’s a great way to bring those hot leading men into your home. Sort of.

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C’mon, Chris Pratt AND Chris Evans?! On the same shelf? For about $30 each, give or take? Can’t go wrong, Marvel fans!


The Marvel Legends Star-Lord and Captain America figures are three of Hasbro‘s best 6-inch-scale offerings of the year.

Cap‘s got his shield(s) — and the modern outfit version even gives you an alternate Captain Steve head. Does it look like Chris Evans? If you squint. But he’s sure built like him!

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And Star-Lord not only comes with face-mask and alternate head — you get Walkman earphones!


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Seriously, I love these.

And so does Baby Groot

Author: Dan Greenfield

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