Here’s Your Chance to Question BATMAN Director KEVIN ALTIERI

The Batman: The Animated Series director will be taking questions.

Cliff Galbraith’s East Coast Comicon at the Meadowlands Exposition Center in Secaucus, N.J., is on April 29 and 30, and I’ll be there — and so will dozens of your favorite comics creators, like Marv Wolfman, Denny O’Neil and Arthur Adams, and retro TV stars like the cast from Lost in Space. (For the full line-up, click here.)

On Sunday at 3:30, I’ll be hosting a panel with Kevin Altieri, one of the original directors of Batman: The Animated Series, which is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year. Altieri directed some of the series’ best-known episodes, including On Leather Wings — the first produced installment of the show — as well as The Demon’s Quest and Feat of Clay, Part II. He also worked as a sequence director on Mask of the Phantasm.

Now, this is where you come in. If you have a question for Altieri, enter it in the comments below. I’ll collect the best and ask them during the panel. (And yes, you can still submit questions if you live too far from the show. I plan on posting the best answers at 13th Dimension sometime down the line.)

And whether you have a question or not, come say hi at the show and come meet Kevin Altieri. Click here for ticket info.

One last thing to note: Panel schedules are subject to change so plan accordingly.

Author: Dan Greenfield

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  1. If any of your previous animated Batman episodes could be turned into a live-action film or TV episode, which would you choose and why? (Personally, I’d go with “Feat of Clay.”)

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  2. 1. Of all the episodes you worked on, which was your favorite and why?

    2. FOX had some strict standards when it came to signing off on each Batman episode before allowing it to air in tv. Was there ever a storyline that was amazing but, due to the FOX standards, could not be made?

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