INSIDE LOOK: July will be even brighter than usual, with these seven beauties…
Oh, my. This could really be something: DC on Tuesday announced that in July it will publish a series of seven variant covers featuring art from the beloved — yet never released — 1982 DC Comics Style Guide, by José Luis García-López.
Stating the obvious, this is a very big deal. Fans have been clamoring for the general publication of the guide itself for decades.
The seven covers will be available for Batman #150, Green Arrow #14, Green Lantern #13, Shazam! #13, Superman #16, The Flash #11 and Wonder Woman #11.
Check ’em out:
Now, in case you’re puzzled by why this is such joyous occasion, DC explains it:
“In 1982, Spanish-Argentine artist José Luis García-López was hired to design an in-house document, the DC Comics Style Guide, delivering a consistent look and characterization for DC’s superheroes that influenced comics, animated series, action figures, toys, clothes, lunch boxes, trading cards, sticker books, and more. Anytime a DC artist wanted to use one of their established characters, they’d pull the DC Comics Style Guide (shared internally as 3-ring binder) as a reference for the costume and the general style of the characters appearance,” the company said in its announcement.
“The model sheets in the DC Comics Style Guide became the standard reference for DC artists and license holders working on DC releases for decades and, thanks to García-López’s timeless character work, has continued to influence many DC artists and fans to this day.”
A few thoughts:

From the 2024 DC Comics Justice League (Classic) Wall Calendar
— After 2024’s calendar featuring Style Guide art, I’m sure you’re asking yourself: “Hey, could this mean that DC will release the Style Guide itself?” The way I see it, it could. But it’s by no means a lock. For a full exploration of those possibilities, click here to check out Chris Franklin’s superb column that explains all.
— For my part, I plan on voting with my dollars and buying two each, pre-ordering through my local shop, Aw Yeah Comics, in Harrison, N.Y. They will run $4.99 to $6.99, depending on the issue. And if they had foil covers, I’d buy them too. (Is it too late for that, DC?)
— UPDATED: I originally thought these were wraparound covers. They are not. The images will be positioned on their sides so the whole thing will fit on the front. That said, I do stand by my earlier assessment that Green Lantern has the finest set of buttocks this side of Nightwing.
April 9, 2024
If/when the actual guide is released I’ll most likely buy it. Especially if original artwork scans are part of the deal….but, (no pun intended) I’ve no interest in any of the current/modern issues. GA, Silver and Bronze facsimiles, I’ll buy those all day and multiple copies.
April 9, 2024
This is Marvelous news! I’ve often wondered why DC has partnered with Abrams, like Marvel has, for some of its more offbeat stuff like the Style Guide.
April 9, 2024
It’s very nice of DC to release some variant covers lifted from their 1982 style guide that Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez drew for them, but I sincerely wish that they’d release the ENTIRE style guide to the public. They have the power to do so.
April 10, 2024
I am wondering if these variant covers are a test for the market. Maybe DC is waiting to see how well these covers sell as another way to gauge the market on whether consumers will buy more José Luis García-López product such as the style guide or other collections of his past DC work such as the José Luis García-López Batman and Superman collections that have been released over the years. Either way, these variant covers are great news!
April 10, 2024
That Flash drawing on the far left looked so familiar. Then I realized it’s the Flash art from my old Super Powers figure. So cool! JLGL is such a great artist.
April 12, 2024
This is only remotely appealing because while the covers of these issues will have the amazing Art of Mr. Garcia-Lopez, the interiors will not and they will certainly not be of the caliber of Mr. Garcia-Lopez’s work. Thankfully I own the 1982 DC SYLE GUIDE binder.
May 15, 2024